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About the hall

St Ervan Village Hall is a central venue for the community in the Parish of St Ervan, providing a place for meetings and activities for residents and local groups in the Parish and beyond.  It was opened in 1982 and is owned by St Ervan Parochial Church Council (PCC) which is a charity.  It is run by the St Ervan Village Hall Management Committee.


The hall was built opposite St Ervan church, on the site of the old rectory which was demolished in the 1860's.  The land belonged to the church and was sold to the PCC in 1977 for £5 to provide providing a place for public meetings and social gatherings for the residents of St Ervan Parish (which includes Rumford and Penrose) and the local  neighbourhood.


The funds needed to build the hall came from a grant from the Church, together with money raised by locals through a wide range of fund-raising activities and also donations.  Much of the labour came from the voluntary efforts of local people, led by local farmer Peter Biddick,  Work started in 1977 and the hall was completed 5 years later.


The hall has always been looked after and managed by local volunteers and was re-decorated in 2005 by a working party of families from Penrose, Rumford and St Ervan Churchtown.  In 2017 the Village Hall Committee successfully applied to REG Windpower (the owners of the nearby Denzell Downs wind farm) for a grant to upgrade the facilities in the hall.  This allowed new toilets, a new kitchen, new lighting, curtains and blinds to be installed, as well as redecoration of the interior and exterior and refurbishment of the wooden floor. Other works to the drains and electric installation were also carried out.


In 2018 the Committee applied to Tesco Stores for a further grant to equip the kitchen and purchase other equipment to provide better facilities for those using it.


In 2024, all the windows to the hall were replaced with UPVC double-glazed units.  These were financed using money raised from fund-raising, with help from a grant from the Denzell Downs windfarm).


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